Section # |
Content |
1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 |
Signup Login Forgot Password Seller Dashboard Top Navigation Dashboard Subscription Plans |
2. 2.1 |
Shop Manage Shop |
3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 |
Rental Products & Promotions Inventory Add-ons Unavailable Dates Special Price Duration Discounts Link Rental Addons Link Verification Fields |
4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 |
Sale Products & Promotions Inventory Special Price Volume Discount |
5. 5.1 5.2 |
More Options Buy Together Products Related Products |
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 |
Orders Cancellation Requests Return Requests Cancellation Penalty Rules Late Charges Management Upcoming/overdue Returns |
7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 |
Request For Quotes In-progress Accepted Rejected Orders |
8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 |
Sale Orders Orders Order Cancellation Requests Return Requests |
9. 9.1 9.2 |
Shipping & Fulfillment Shipping Profiles Link Products With Pickup Address |
10. 10.1 10.2 |
SEO Meta Tags URL Rewriting |
11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 |
Reports Rental Report Sales Reports Products Performance Report Products Inventory Products Inventory Stock Status |
12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 |
Profile My Account Sub Users Messages My Credits Update Credentials |
13. |
Import/Export |
14. |
Language & Currency |
Sellers can sign up via two different work flows based on the admin’s preference:
Method (I)
A seller sign-up button is provided under the ‘Become A Seller’ section in the footer of the website. This is the default seller sign-up method used by the system. Please refer to the screenshot below which highlights the section that is being referred to.
Clicking on the Become A Seller button will redirect the user to the signup page.
The user must enter their ‘Email ID’ and ‘Name’ and click on the ‘Start Selling’ button which will redirect them to the ‘Seller Registration’ form.
NB: The user cannot proceed further without selecting this checkbox.
The seller must click on the link provided in the email to complete the email verification step.
Once the seller has submitted their ‘Details’ form, their information will be saved in the system. If the seller discards the signup process in any of the next tabs and then tries to register again, with the same username and email address, the system will display an error message. So, the seller can directly login using the credentials filled previously in the details tab which will redirect them to the seller dashboard that will display the ‘SellerApproval Form. These details need to be filled to complete the signup process.
The seller will also receive an email confirming their signup, on the registered email address. If the seller has not completed the Email Verification step, the following pending message will be displayed when they try to log in after registration.
Please note that if the seller does not receive the verification email, they can check it in their spam and junk folders or resend it by clicking on the ‘Click Here’ button provided in the alert message above.
Users must fill in the required details and then click on the ‘Save Changes’ button. The following message below will be displayed. The buyer will have to wait for the admin's approval. The users will be notified about the request approval/cancellation status via emails.
NB: Any user who is registered as a ‘Seller’ will be registered as an ‘Advertiser’ by default in the system.
1.1 Login (Sign In)
Sellers can navigate to the ‘Login’ button available at the top-right corner of the homepage clicking on which will display the login form. The seller can log in through the registered Email Id or Username.
Clicking on the ‘Login’ button will verify the entered credentials and redirect the seller to the homepage/dashboard page.
In case the Admin has opted for the ‘Admin Approval’ step, the seller will see the message appearing as shown. This message will appear until the admin approves the seller’s request from their end. Only after the request is approved, the seller can view the other sections of the seller panel that are explained in the later segment of this manual. In case the seller does not remember the correct password, please refer to the ‘Forgot Password’ module to reset the password.
NB: The seller must Sign up before logging in to the website. To sign up please refer to ‘Sign Up’.
1.2 Forgot Password
If the seller does not remember the password, they can reset it. A similar approach can be followed if the seller wants to reset their password.
There is a ‘Forgot Password’ option available just above the ‘Login’ button). Clicking on this button navigates the seller to the Forgot Password page. The seller can reset their password using either their registered ‘Email'.
I. Reset Password Through Registered Email Address: The seller must enter their registered Email address in the provided input dialog box and then click on the ‘Submit’ button provided below it. The system forwards a ‘Password Reset Email’ to the entered registered Email ID. The seller must click on the link provided in the received email which will redirect them to the ‘Reset Password’ page.
The seller must enter their ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm New Password’ in the dialog boxes and then click on the ‘Reset Password’ button provided below them. A message declaring ‘Password Successfully Changed’ will be displayed and the seller will be redirected to the ‘Sign in/ Login’ page. The seller can proceed with their login using the new password.
NB: An example of a strong password is provided below the ‘New Password’ dialog box. The seller can follow the pattern of the given example to create a strong password.
Once logged in, the seller will be navigated to the dashboard.
❖ Top-Navigation Short-cut Icons
There are several icons available at the top right corner of the dashboard. The functionalities of these icons are explained below:
i) User Icon: Clicking on the ‘User Icon’ provided at the extreme right will display two options in the dropdown menu. Clicking on the ‘Hi, [Name Id]’ button will redirect the seller to the ‘My Account’. Clicking on the ‘Logout’ button will log the seller out of their account.
ii) RFQ Notifications: This is a shortcut button to read the RFQ Request For Quote notifications.
iii) Message Icon: This is a shortcut button to access the messaging module. This icon will also display the count of unread messages. Clicking on this button will redirect the seller to the ‘Messages’ page.
iv) Shop Icon: This is a shortcut button to access the shop.
v) Home Icon: Clicking on this icon will redirect the seller to the Homepage of the website in a new tab.
vi) Dashboard: Clicking on this icon will redirect the seller to the Dashboard.
❖ Role Switcher
‘Role Switcher’ button is provided on the top navigation bar. A user can be registered on the website as a ‘Buyer’, ‘Seller’, or an ‘Advertiser’. However, if any particular user has registered with multiple roles, for example, a seller has also registered themselves on the website as a ‘Buyer’, they can switch roles using this button. This means that the users with multiple roles do not need to log in and log out repeatedly. They can directly access the other dashboards by selecting the respective role from the drop-down.
NB: Any user who is registered as a ‘Seller’ will be registered as an ‘Advertiser’ by default in the system.
❖ Shop Icon
Clicking on this icon will redirect the seller to their Shop page at the front end.
NB: This icon is not displayed to the newly registered seller since they have not created their shop yet. However, once the seller creates their shop, this icon will be displayed on the top navigation bar.
❖ Hamburger Menu
Clicking on this button will open a vertical side-navigation bar which includes several modules and sub-modules for sellers. All these modules are explained further in the manual.
When clicking on the ‘Dashboard’ icon the seller is redirected to the dashboard page. There are three shortcut buttons provided on the top-right corner of this page.
The functionalities of these buttons are explained below:
● Add new Catalog: This shortcut button redirects the seller to the ‘Products’ module in which they can add a new product to their shop through the ‘Custom Product Setup’ form.
● My Products: This shortcut button redirects the seller to the ‘My Products’ page that will display all the products added by them.
● Shop Inventory: This shortcut button redirects the seller to the ‘Shop Inventory’ page that lists all the inventories added to their shop.
NB: If, by clicking on any of these buttons the seller is redirected to the Subscription Plans page this means that the seller needs to purchase a subscription plan to add products to their shop. These plans are defined and thereby managed by the admin.
The dashboard page includes sections shown below:
Since the seller has created a new account, there is no information displayed under any of the above sections as of yet. The sections denoted above are explained below.
a) My Sales: This section displays the total amount (in default currency) of sales for orders that are completed and the amount(in default currency)of sales for orders that are in process. Please note that an order is considered ‘Completed’ only when it reaches its finished state, in other words, it reaches a state where no further actions can be performed on it. The orders under ‘Completed’, ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Refunded/Completed’ statuses are considered as ’Completed’. The orders with ‘In-Process’, ‘Shipped’, and delivered statuses will be considered as ‘In-Process’ orders. Clicking on this section will redirect the seller to the ‘Orders’ module.
b) My Rental Sales: This section displays the quota of completed sales along with data on in-process sales. Click inside the box and you will be taken to the ‘Rental Orders’ details page.
c) Credits: The total of credits earned by the seller from all the completed orders is displayed in this section. It also displays the credits earned on the respective date. Clicking on this section will redirect the seller to the ‘My Credits’ module.
NB: An order is considered as ‘Completed’ only when it reaches its dead state, in other words, it reaches a state where no actions can be performed on it. The orders under ‘Completed’, ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Refunded/Completed’ statuses are considered as ’Completed’.
d) Sales Graph: The graph shows the total sales for the last six months.
e) Latest Orders: This section displays the count of the number of orders that have been ‘Completed’ and the number of orders that are ‘Pending’. Clicking on this section, the seller will be redirected to the ‘Orders’ module.
NB: An order is considered as ‘Completed’ only when it reaches its dead state, in other words, it reaches a state where no actions can be performed on it. The orders under ‘Completed’, ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Refunded/Completed’ statuses are considered as ’Completed’. All the other orders will be considered as ‘Pending’.
f) Rental Graph: The graph shows the total rental orders for the last six months.
g) Recent Rental orders: A list of the latest orders placed by customers can be viewed under this section. This section will not display any orders for a new seller who has just signed up. However, once the seller has added products and begun the selling process, this section will start displaying the orders. Each of the orders displayed is provided with necessary action buttons using which the seller can perform certain actions directly from this section. The eyeicon will redirect the seller to the order detail page which is known as the ‘View Sale Order’ page. The cross icon
will redirect the seller to the ‘Cancel Order’ page. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘Orders’ module.
h) Transaction History: This section displays the details of the recent transactions made from the seller’s wallet. This list is arranged in the order of the most recent transactions on the top. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘My Credits’ module.
NB: The ‘Wallet’ term used in the manual refers to the virtual wallet linked with the seller’s account.
i) Return Requests: This section displays a list of the latest Return Requests made by customers in the order of the most recent orders on the top. This section will not display any orders for a new seller who has just signed up. However, once the seller has added products and begun the selling process, this section will start displaying the orders with return requests. Each of the orders displayed is provided with necessary action buttons using which the seller can perform certain actions directly from this section. The eye icon will redirect the seller to the order detail page which is known as the ‘View Order Return Request’ page. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘Order Return Requests’ module.
j) Cancellation Requests: This section displays a list of the Cancellation Requests placed by the customers in the order of most recent orders on the top. This section will not display any orders for a new seller who has just signed up. However, once the seller has added products and begun the selling process, this section will start displaying the orders with cancellation requests. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘Cancellation Requests’ module. To proceed further, the seller needs to click on the ‘Menu Icon’ displayed at the top left corner which will open the side navigation bar. Each of the sub-modules is categorically placed under the main modules and is explained ahead.
If the admin has enabled the ‘Subscriptions’ feature, then the seller must purchase any one of the Subscription plans. The seller cannot proceed further without buying a subscription plan. Since these packages and plans are created and managed by the Admin, they can vary in terms of:
● Number of Packages: The number of packages being displayed.
● Name of Packages: The names of packages, for example, silver, gold, and, so on.
● Number of Plans: The number of plans provided under each package.
● Names of Plans: There are no fixed names assigned to the plans. So, the seller can view a new plan apart from those mentioned in the manuals.
● Cost: The cost for each plan is assigned by the Admin only. Sellers might view multiple choices for prices offered under each package based on the difference in their validity period.
● Validity period: The validity period for each plan.
● Percentage of Commission Rate: The fixed amount of money to be paid by the seller to the business owner depending upon a certain amount of sale is known as the Commission rate. The percentage of commission rate assigned to each plan is different as shown.
● Number of Active Products: The number of active products a seller can add to their shop is different for each plan. The seller can add new products to their shop however, the number of active products can not exceed the limit offered within the chosen subscription plan.
● Capacity of Product Inventory: A catalog/product can have several inventories based on the variation in certain parameters such as color, size, and so on. The number of product inventories a seller can add to their shop will also be different for every subscription plan.
● Images per Product: The number of images any seller can upload for each product added to the shop is different depending on the kind of plan selected. This criteria defines the number of images the seller can add to a product. For example, if the seller uploads three images for one product, the count of the number of images added will be three.
An example of how the subscriptions will be displayed to the seller.
Once the seller chooses the best suitable option, they must click on ‘Buy Plan’. The seller will be redirected to the ‘Billing’ page, which will display the total amount to be paid by them. The seller can click on the ‘I have A Coupon’ option provided on the right side of the page to apply any discount coupons (if the seller has any). A pop-up menu will appear in which the seller must enter the code for the coupon they want to use.
The seller can also visit the ‘Subscription Offers’ module to check for the latest offers available particularly for subscription plans. The seller must proceed further with the payment confirmation process by clicking on the ‘Proceed to Confirm’ button which will redirect them to the ‘Payment’ page. There are different payment gateways provided(payment method options are admin-manageable) and the seller can choose any one of them as per their convenience. The seller can view the total amount to be paid on the right side of the page. To proceed with payment, the seller must click on ‘Confirm Payment’. The seller must complete the steps required for completing the transaction through the selected payment gateway. Once the transaction is complete, the seller will be displayed a confirmation message.
The seller can proceed further by clicking either on ‘My Account’ or ‘My Subscription’ which will redirect them to the respective pages that are accessible after buying the subscription plan. The packages can also be updated or renewed from the ‘Subscription’ module.
The first thing a seller needs to do is to set up a shop for adding products to the website. Information added here is displayed on every page of your website.
In this module, the seller needs to add all the details required to set up their shop on the website. The seller can also visit this module later to change/update any details.
The following tabs are displayed in the ‘Manage Shop’ module -
● General
● Language Data
● Return Address
● Pickup Address
● Media
● Collections
● Social Platforms
● Stripe Connect (Will be displayed only if the admin has enabled ‘Stripe Connect’)
i. General
The basic details required for creating a shop are to be filled by the seller in this tab. The information fields are as follows:
● Identifier*: A unique identifier key that represents every individual seller. The seller must choose its ‘Identifier’ as its representative of the system. It can also be known as a unique identifier assigned to the seller.
● SEO Friendly URL*: The URL that can be used for SEO purposes. This URL will be beneficial in improving the SEO level of the shop. The seller can also use this URL to directly open their shop page.
● Phone: The phone number to be linked with their shop.
● Country*: The country in which their shop is located.
● State*: The state in which the shop is located.
● Postal Code: The postal code for their shop address.
● Display Status: The seller can define the current status of their shop. Selecting ‘On’ will display their shop at the front-end and selecting ‘Off’ will restrict their shop from being displayed at the front-end.
● Order Return Age{sale(in Days)}: The time limit (in terms of several days) within which the buyers can place a return request once their order has been delivered to them at their destination address.
● Order Cancellation Age{sale(in Days)}: The time limit (in terms of the number of days) within which buyers can place an order cancellation request after placing the orders.
NB: Sellers can also set a different return and cancellation age on an individual product when adding it into their shop through the ‘Add New Product’ button.
● Display Time Slots After Order [Hours]: Enter the amount of gap (in hours) to be maintained between the time of a pickup order placed by a customer and the first pickup slot available. In other words, the Customers will be able to see the first pickup slot for their pickup order, after the gap in the number of hours mentioned in this input field.
● Fulfillment Method: The seller can set a standard order fulfillment method for delivering the orders of products to be shipped by them. The options provided in the drop-down are -
a. Ship and Pickup
b. Pickup Only
c. Ship Only
Please note that the seller will view the ‘Ship Only’ option in case there is no pickup address added. In other words, to be available for pickup options, the seller must add at least one pickup address. Pickup addresses can be added in the ‘Pickup Address’ tab. A newly registered seller can return to this setting after adding the pickup address.
● Enable Late Charges With Rental Orders: Enable or disable late fee charges applied to all your rental orders.
● Government Information On Invoices: Based upon the settings enabled by the system admin, sellers’ can add their information on invoices.
● Enable Free Shipping (Order Price): Click on the checkbox provided to enable free shipping if the order exceeds a certain threshold value.
● Free Shipping Available On Amount Above: Set the order amount that decides the applicability of free shipping. Please note this field will be greyed out or show inactive when the ‘Free Shipping’ checkbox is disabled. If the admin has enabled the respective settings, a map will be displayed below the form which will mark the location of the seller as per the address details entered in the above fields. The seller can pin the exact location on the map to provide accurate address details. Once all the details are filled, please click on the ‘Save Changes’ button and you will be redirected to the next tab.
ii. Language Data
The seller can select the preferred language from the ‘Language’ drop-down. The name of the shop to be displayed at the front-end must be entered in the ‘Shop Name*’ input field. All the remaining text fields are provided for the seller to add shop-related data. This data is displayed on the ‘Shop Details’ page at the front-end and helps customers know the terms and conditions. Sellers can edit/manage this information in the future from this tab itself.
The following information needs to be entered:
● Language: The system allows users to add separate content for different languages. So, please choose the language type for which the information is being added.
● Shop Name*: Enter the name of the shop. This name will appear at the front end representing their shop.
● Address Line 1* and 2*: Enter the complete business address.
● Shop City: Enter the city in which the shop is located.
● Contact Person: Enter the name of the contact person.
● Description: Enter a brief description of their shop.
● Payment Policy: Enter the payment policy that will be displayed on the shop detail page at the front-end.
● Delivery Policy: Enter the delivery policy that will be displayed on the shop detail page at the front-end.
● Refund Policy: Enter the refund policy that will be displayed on the shop detail page at the front-end.
● Additional Information: Any other important information that the seller wants to share with their customers can be added to this input field.
● Seller Information: The information related to the respective seller can be added to this input field. There is also a checkbox ‘Update Other Languages Data’ in place to update other language data directly unlike manually updating. Enable the checkbox and data will be updated in other enabled languages. Once the information has been added, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button and the next will be displayed to you.
iii. Return Address
Sellers can add a return address from this tab. The return address is displayed to customers when they request order returns. Adding the return address for the shop is mandatory. It has two sub-tabs.
➜ Country*: Select the country to which the order/product is to be returned from the drop-down list.
➜ State*: Select the state to which the order/product is to be returned.
➜ Postal code: Enter the postal code to provide the appropriate regional location.
➜ Phone: Enter the phone number that can be added along with the address. Once the seller has filled in the required fields, the seller can move on to the next step by clicking on the ‘Save Changes’ button.
Language Data: The return address sub-tab has ‘Language Data’ input-field for the following information to be entered➔ Name*: Enter the name of the receiving party.
➔ City*: Enter the Name of the city.
➔ Address1* & Address2: Enter the detailed address to which the return order is to be delivered.
➔ Update other language data: Click on the provided checkbox to update data directly into all languages currently enabled. Once all the details have been filled, the seller must click on ‘Save Changes’.
iv. Pickup Address
The seller needs to add at least one pickup address to make this functionality available. In other words, if no pickup address has been added to the system, the seller will not be able to opt for pickup. In other words, ‘Pickup’ or ‘Ship & Pickup' options will also not be displayed in the ‘Fulfilment Method’ drop-down list provided in the ‘General’ tab if no pickup address has been added.
To add a pick-up address, the seller needs to click on the ‘Add Address’ button which will open the ‘Shop Pickup Addresses’ Form
● Address Label: Enter the address label.
● Name*: Enter the name of the shop or shop owner whose pickup address is being added.
● Address Line1* &Address Line2: Enter the complete address.
● Country*:Select the country.
● State*: Select the state.
● City*: Select the city.
● Postal Code*: Enter the postal code.
● Phone*: Enter the phone number of the individual whose address is being added.
● Slot Timings: Time slots define what day and time the order
This tab allows the seller to upload a logo, background image, and top banner for the shop.
● Language: The system allows users to add separate media files for different languages. So, please choose the language type for which the information is being added.
● Display For: Select any one from the ‘Desktop’, ‘Ipad’, or ‘Mobile’ options provided in the drop-down list. This allows the seller to add separate banner images of different resolutions for Desktop, iPad, and Mobile devices to avoid image distortion.
● Upload: Upload the image to be displayed as a banner. There is a thumbnail in place to give a quick snapshot of images uploaded as banners. Whenever required, an existing image can be replaced with new ones by clicking on the ‘Remove’ button under the ‘Logo Setup’ section, the seller is prompted to enter the following information:
● Language: The system allows users to add separate media files for different languages. So, please choose the language type for which the information is being added.
● Ratio: Select the ratio which will also change the ‘Preferred Dimensions’ for the image being uploaded by the seller.
● Upload: Upload the image to be displayed as a logo.
ii. Collections
Sellers can create collections and add products to them.
NB: The seller will not be able to add any collections if they have not added any products yet. There is a ‘Link’ sub-tab provided here, in which the seller needs to link their products to the newly created collection. If a new seller is just beginning to create a shop, they will have no product to add or link with this collection. So, the seller can skip this tab and add collections once they have added products to their shop.
To add a new collection, the seller is required to click on the ‘Add Collection’ button.
When the seller clicks on the ‘Add Collection’ button, a ‘Shop Collections’ form will be displayed where the following information needs to be added under the separate tabs:
● Basic Tab: This tab has the following information to be added:
➔ Identifier: Enter the unique identifier for the new collection being added.
➔ SEO Friendly URL: Enter the SEO URL for the respective new collection. This URL can be used to improve the SEO ranking for the added collection.
➔ Status: Select the current status of this new collection. The seller must click on ‘Save Changes’ once the input fields have been filled. The newly added collection will be displayed in the list. Sellers can proceed further to add collection names, links, and media.
➔ Language Data Tab: This tab has the following information to be added
● Link: Seller can link products to the collection via the link sub-tab.The links to all the products that the seller wants to add to this collection can be added in this sub-tab.
With the enabled auto-complete input list, the seller can quickly add the products easily. All the linked products are displayed in a listed manner, click on the remove icon to delink.
● Media: Seller can display an image corresponding to the respective collection from this sub-tab.
➔ General: On this tab, the following information is displayed:
■ Identifier: Enter a unique identifier for the new social platform being added.
■ URL: The seller must enter the URL for the respective new social platform. This URL can be used to improve the SEO ranking for the added collection.
■ Icon Type from CSS: This drop-down list includes a few, very popularly used social platforms that are Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Any icon chosen by the seller will be displayed beside this social platform at the front-end.
■ Status: Select the current status of this social platform.
Once the information is added, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to view the next segment of the form.
➔ Language Data: The following information needs to be added:
■ Language: The system allows users to add separate content for different languages. So, please choose the language type for which the information is being added.
■ Collection Name: Enter a unique name for the new social platform being added.
The option ‘Update Other Languages Data’ is provided to update data in other enabled languages. When information has been added, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’.
On clicking the ‘Back to Social Platforms’ button, the seller will be redirected to the ‘Social Platforms’ page. And the platform that you just added will be added to the list. For all the listed platforms, there is a provision to perform the following manual actions:
● Status: With the help of a toggle switch, ‘Activate’ or ‘Deactivate’ the added platform. The social platform is active when the toggle switch is green .
● Edit: If the seller wants to make any kind of changes to the previously added social platform, the seller can click on the edit icon. This will redirect the seller to the ‘General’ sub-tab of the social platforms setup form. The seller must click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to update the changes successfully.
● Delete: Clicking this icon will delete the respective social platform on this list.
vii. Shop Rental Agreement
This Section will enable the seller to add a generalized rental agreement for their shop. This agreement will be displayed at the checkout for the customers to review and accept. Rental agreements will be governed by this agreement.